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Wellbeing in School

Little Troopers


Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all military children who have parent(s) serving in our British Armed Forces, regular or reserve.


In June 2021, all our military children attended a virtual workshop in our school hall. The workshop, which was funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, celebrated what it means to be a ‘Little Trooper’ and included storytelling, imaginative play, movement and drama. Our children were shown tools that could help them navigate some of the challenges they might face either now or in the future. 


Lego Therapy

Lego-based therapy is an evidence based approach that aims to develop social communication skills, such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving.  


During a LEGO-Based Therapy session, three or four children of similar ages and abilities work together to build a LEGO model following.


Each child takes on one of four specific roles to do this:

  • The Engineer oversees reading and relaying the instructions. The Engineer must tell the Supplier what pieces to retrieve and tell the Builder how to build the model.
  • The Supplier oversees finding the correct LEGO pieces. The Supplier must listen to the Engineer and figure out what piece to retrieve, and then given these pieces to the Builder.
  • The Builder oversees physically building the model. The Builder must listen to instructions provided by the Engineer and receive the pieces that are retrieved by the Supplier.
  • The Foreman makes sure everyone is doing what they need to do. They provide help to other roles when needed and look out for social challenges that may need problem-solving by the group.


Using this format provides each child with an opportunity to practice and develop a wide range of skills, including language skills (in both giving and receiving instructions) turn-taking, negotiating, sharing and collaborative social problem-solving. It also encourages children to reflect on their own actions and skills as well as give constructive feedback to their peers.

Art Therapy

Art therapy encourages children and young people to better understand thoughts, feelings and behaviours. By creating images and objects, children and young people can begin to see the thoughts and feelings they have inside and then be supported by the art therapist to better understand themselves and find solutions.


Drawing and Talking

Drawing and Talking technique is a short term, time-limited therapy to be used with anyone (age 5+) who has suffered trauma or has underlying emotional difficulties. It supports those who are not realising their full potential either academically or socially.


The purpose of the method is to draw with a person with whom they feel comfortable once a week. The trusted person will learn to ask a number of non-intrusive questions about the drawing, and over time a symbolic resolution is found to old conflicts and trauma is healed.

