Summer term week 3 Good morning everyone. Here is this weeks timetable. You will notice that the timetable is a bit different this week. We have given you lots of activities to do related to the VE Day 75th anniversary celebrations that are taking place on Friday. Miss Wright has posted a special assembly that you will find under the VE Activities section. Hope you have fun with all the activities. |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Morning activities Bank Holiday |
Spellings |
Please revise the spellings you were given last Friday |
Reading |
Poetry The Shed |
Poetry The Shed |
Poetry The Shed |
Spellings for next week and spelling test |
SPAG Writing |
What is persuasive writing? |
What is persuasive writing |
Investigating persuasive writing. |
Investigating persuasive writing. |
Maths Multiplication Tables and My Maths |
Revise 6 x table This week I have put activities on MyMaths and Timestable Rockstars |
Revise 6x table |
Revise 6x table |
Revise 6x table |
Maths |
Continue with decimals |
Continue with decimals |
Decimals |
Decimals |
Afternoon activities |
Topic |
This week I have left you some activities on PurpleMash. I also want you to listen to the story Running Wild, as we will be using the story for our writing tasks. Choose from the fun activities that Miss Wright has created for VE Day. You can do any of the activities in any order. |