Good morning everyone
How was your weekend? We managed to get out and do some long walks and we did not get wet! Unfortunately on Sunday we got a bit sunburnt, it was so windy, we did not realise how strong the sun was. Oops!!
Did you know that yesterday (Sunday 21st) was the longest day of the year, that means the sun came up early and set later than any other day in the year.
This week our topic is Pirates. There are lost of exciting activities for you to complete, so don't forget to send in your photos. Thank you to everyone who sent me in their photos for the competitions and to show me their work, it is great to see what you are doing.
Don't forget that there are lots of fun activities to complete on PurpleMash and more maths to do on My Maths this week.
Finally, I hope that everyone has had their invite to our class Zoom meeting on Thursday at 10.30. I am so excited to see as many of you as possible. This will NOT be a lesson, just a chance to say hello to each other. I want you to think about any questions you may want to ask me, a funny story you want to share, or just to say hello. If you do not want to chat this week, that is fine, we will get together every Thursday for the next four weeks, so there will be other opportunities to say something. What I don't want to do is just have me talk, that would be boring!
Have a good day everyone
Mrs C