Every pupil at Shrivenham Primary school has studied a famous portrait, practised specific skills and created a portrait of themselves.
In Willow class (Year R), children looked closely in the mirror and drew all their facial features in the right places.
In Maple class (Year 1), children enjoyed looking at paintings by Pablo Picasso, learnt about primary colours (red, yellow and blue) and mixed these to make secondary colours (green, purple and orange). They painted Picasso style backgrounds and drew their portraits.
In Beech class (Year 2), children learned all about contemporary Brazilian artist, Romero Britto and practised their line drawing skills to draw shapes and patterns before making their beautiful brightly coloured portraits.
In Rowan class (Year 3), having explored the self-portrait of famous Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh, children mixed sand with the colours of paints they had mixed themselves, to add texture and used the 'Impasto' technique to create their portraits.
In Silver Birch class (Year 4), children enjoyed learning about Swiss artist, Paul Klee. The class learned about warm and cold colours, using a colour wheel and mixed their own tints, shades and hues to create their own portraits.
In Walnut class (Year 5), inspiration came from the works of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. The focus for the art lessons was developing drawing skills, using pencils to show line, tone and texture. The children went on to use chalk pastels to finish their portraits.
In Sycamore class (Year 6), to kickstart their term's topic 'Roadtrip across America', Grant Wood's iconic painting "American Gothic" was given to the children to investigate. They went on to mix somber hues by adding small quantities of black and focused on creating portraits of themselves with Shrivenham school in the background.