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English - spelling and grammar

2. Writing activity   (1 star with adult support, 2 and 3 star independently)


Please write a poem about a volcano.



You may choose to write it in one of the following 4 styles:


a shape poem       a Haiku        an acrostic poem        a Kenning


These were the 4 styles of poetry you met in Guided Reading.


Please try to include some adverbs (you have learned to spell plenty of those this week!). There is a word mat below to help you. You may also need to look back at the guided reading task, to remind yourself about the features of each type of poem.

If you are finding it difficult to choose, don't worry, you will get to write a second poem tomorrow.


Read your poem back to yourself to proof-read it. Does it make sense? Edit it using a different coloured pen to improve it by adding further words and phrases or to correct spelling mistakes.


Do email in a copy of your poem. We would love to see it.


Word mat - volcanoes

Optional shape poem activity sheet
