Welcome to FoSS!
Registered Charity Commission No. 1030832
FoSS stands for Friends of Shrivenham School, and we are the ‘PTA’ group for our school.
Who are we?
We are a welcoming group of parents who make up the FoSS committee. Every parent and carer at Shrivenham CE School are automatically included as a member of FoSS and are welcome to attend any of our meetings or be involved in supporting fundraising events. See further down for a who's who of the current committee!
What do we do?
Together we organise a range of events to raise money for the school to enhance the educational experience for pupils attending the school. Last year enhancements included the funding of transport for trips and off-site activities, iSing Pop, as well as new books for the Reception and Key Stage 1 classes. Events range from Christmas Fayres, Easter Egg Hunts, Discos and Race nights; to ongoing ways of fundraising such as a 100 club and clothing collections. Highlights of recent events can be found further down the page!
Keep up to date with FoSS events by following us on social media (click to follow):
Want to raise money for Shrivenham School?
As well as supporting our fundraising events, you can raise money for Shrivenham School by using easy fundraising when you online shop. By collecting donations from the vendors when you make a purchase, easy fundraising is an entirely free way you can raise money for our school. More information can be found by clicking on the logo below: