Wearing a uniform helps children feel part of our school community. It demonstrates a commonality and a respect for the institution within which the children belong. This can only be achieved if the below is adhered to - thank you for your support.
School Uniform:
PE Kit:
No large logos on the t-shirts or tracksuits please.
Earrings must be removed or covered by tape.
Long hair must be tied back.
Book bag and water bottle
Uniform can be purchased from PMG Schoolwear online, over the telephone 01895 809321 or in person at the shop located in Faringdon: 8 Regal Way, Faringdon SN7 7BX
Appropriate swimwear should be worn including:
No bikinis or Bermuda style trunks to be worn.
Please ensure all items are clearly named. www.easy2name.com produce a variety of labels for school uniform and personal belongings
• Silver or Gold single ear-studs in the lobe only
• Make-up and nail varnish are not permitted at school.
• Simple watch on the wrist that does not include apps, camera, games, etc.
Hair cut/ style:
• Hair should be of natural colour- dyes and highlights are not permitted
• Style and cut should be appropriate for school- shaved patterns and Mohicans are not permitted
• We champion the Halo Code – please see below
• The hijab, turban or kippah may be worn