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Geography Intent


At Shrivenham C of E Primary School we believe that the geography curriculum will inspire pupils and ignite their curiosity about the world and its people. Our teaching will equip the children with knowledge about place and people; resources and the environment; physical and human processes; formation of landscapes. We want to develop geographical skills: collecting and analysing data; using maps, globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping to name and identify countries, continents and oceans; and communicating information in a variety of ways. We want children to enjoy and love learning about geography by gaining this knowledge and skills, not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of fieldwork and educational visits.



At Shrivenham we want;

  • To enable children to develop an interest in the wonder of the world;
  • To enable children to gain knowledge and understanding of places of the world;
  • To increase children’s knowledge of other cultures and an appreciation of different cultures and economic diversity;
  • To help children develop an informed concern about the quality of the environment and a sense of responsibility for the care of the Earth and its people
  • To learn to use skills specific to geographical enquiry, including fieldwork and map skills.