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Eco Council


The Eco Council is made up of two representatives from each year group and meets monthly with Mrs Keizer to discuss and consider ways of helping the children at Shrivenham Primary School appreciate the natural world we live in, how we can become more sustainable and ways of making our school community even more environmentally friendly.


Each September, we elect a new team the pupils present themselves to their class with the reasons why they would make a good councillor. Pupils then vote for their favourite eco councillor. At our first meeting we complete a environmental review to find our schools successes and areas of improvement. We then use this to help us create an action plan for the academic year ahead. In our monthly meetings we discuss ways to reduce, recycle and protect our environment. The Eco Warriors work hard to achieve the targets on our action plan and raise awareness of green issues within the school. 


This year our focus topics are:

~ Litter

~ Energy

~ WOW travel plan

~ Recycling 


