Select containers, this could be different sized glasses, jugs, bowls etc. Ask your child to predict which will hold the most/least water. Pour cups of water to see which holds the most/least. For objects that are similar in size, predict how much water it will hold and then use a measuring jug to read the capacity. |
Direct your child to create their own vehicle by drawing different 2D shapes to make it. They can be as creative as they want to be. |
Ask your child to find a book. Can they find 3 items which are heavier than the book and 3 items which are lighter than the book? |
Sit with your child and look outside a window for 5 minutes. Tally the different types of transport that passes by. Can your child record this information in a bar chart or pictogram with your help? |
Work with your child to measure the temperature of each room in your home using a thermometer (you can download a free one on most phones). Which room is the hottest/coldest? Discuss why this might be? Repeat the activity at a different time of the day, has the temperature changed? Why? |