Every year, we use our school self- evaluation to help identify the priorities for school development during the coming year. These are organised into the 5 key areas of: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years.
All objectives are linked to our Christian distinctiveness because we know that it is by living our vision that the objectives are fulfilled.
In 2023-2024 our priorities are:
Key Foundations/Principles - Embrace a culture that allows all members of our school community to flourish including a focus on wellbeing
- Children with additional needs and vulnerabilities are respected, valued and supported to ensure they thrive
- Outcomes in writing and maths improve for all children through the use of quality resources, adaptive teaching and ensuring a high level of challenge
- Strong leadership and management (SLT and governors) ensures the school continues to improve and transition effectively into the next phase (relocation/expansion)
- Children thrive because of our distinctive Church School environment. They know what it is to be a spiritual being and they have a understanding of religious diversity.
| Overarching aims |
Quality of Education | - To raise standards in writing across all year groups
- To ensure KS1 reading outcomes are in line with Y1 phonics outcomes
- To ensure maths outcomes across the school improve with a focus on reasoning and problem solving
- To raise the standard of work and presentation across the school (handwriting, spelling and presentation)
- To implement a progressive and inspiring curriculum for MFL, DT and Music and ensure good outcomes for all children
- Vulnerable groups receive effective provision to ensure they reach their full potential
Behaviour and Attitudes | - Review and implement a relational behaviour policy with a focus on restorative conversations.
- Ensure consistency of behaviour expectations and procedures, reducing disruption and improving learning attitudes for all children
- Continue to embed Zones of Regulation consistently across the school
Personal development | - Create further opportunities for experiencing and understanding religious diversity and spirituality
- Ensure pupil premium grants are used effectively to support vulnerable groups
- Develop school wellbeing approach to support staff and pupils to flourish
Leadership and Management | - Leaders to drive a culture that allows all members of our school community to flourish
- Leaders (SLT and ELT) to continue to develop and support an inclusive culture where adaptive and responsive teaching is evident across the school so outcomes improve for all children
- Embed the new ELT structure so that staff feel supported and empowered
Effectiveness of the Early Years | - Ensure Nursery provision for the new schools is well planned and ready to implement from Sept 2024
- Initiate appropriate CPD for staff working in the EYFS team (Nursery-Rec)and ensure recruitment for new provision is completed