On this page you will find details of the names and terms of office for all of our Governors, together with details of their category of Governor, positions of responsibility and details of any additional committees that they serve on. We have also included details of the business and financial interests of each Governor and information about any Governance role they play in other schools, as well as a full breakdown of the structure and responsibilities of the governing body of our school and its committees.
To contact the governors please email the clerk to the LGB: SHMoledina@faringdonlearningtrust.org
The structure and remit of the FLT Members, Trustees, and its committees including the LGBs is available on the Trust website and can be found here https://faringdonlearningtrust.org/about-us/governance/.
Mr Chris Taylor (Chair)
Membership Type: Foundation
Term start-expiry date: 01/09/2021-31/08/2025
Term of office: 4 years
I’ve been on the governing body at Shrivenham since 2013. For one year we had all three daughters at the school, although one has now moved on to FCC. In 2017, I transitioned from parent to foundation governor, so one of my key responsibilities now is to ensure the maintenance of the Christian ethos of the school. As a family, we’re very much rooted in the village and plan to stay as a permanent fixture and I particularly enjoy being able to straddle the military and local community, trying to forge links between the two, especially where the school is concerned. I enjoy being able to bring challenge and support to the school.
Mrs Helen Turner (Safeguarding Governor)
Membership Type: Community
Term start-expiry date: 14/07/2019-13/07/2023
Term of office: 4 years
I have been an active part of the Governing body since 2007. Both my children were educated here, and I have witnessed first-hand the value of the strong foundation gained at Shrivenham as they move on to secondary school. During this time, I have seen the school go through many changes and have provided both support and challenge as part of the Governing Body. Throughout my time as a Governor I have carried out a number of roles sitting on every sub-committee at some stage. I use this experience and knowledge to help ensure that pupils have a great experience at our school and that they achieve their full potential, learning in a positive safe and friendly environment. My background lies in Special Educational Needs/Safeguarding working across multi-agencies with adults who exhibit challenging behaviour and/or experience poor mental health. I believe passionately that from an early age children need to understand and look after their mental health and that its as equally important as maintaining their physical health. My belief is that Primary schools play an important role in improving awareness surrounding mental health and emotional wellbeing which I will continue to champion. I believe Shrivenham Primary School is going from strength to strength, with a strong ethos and positive approach to learning and I look forward to being part of it for the future.
Ms Caroline Woodbridge-Lewin (Vice-Chair)
Membership Type: Foundation
Term start-expiry date: 07/09/2022
Term of office: 4 years
I have recently joined the governing body at Shrivenham as a Foundation governor and as such have responsibility, alongside fellow governors, to ensure that we maintain the Christian ethos of the school. I feel very lucky to be part of the local St Andrews congregation and hope I can also encourage staff, pupils and families to explore faith, worship and reflection whilst part of the Shrivenham school community. I have been an Army officer for almost 30 years and currently work at the Defence Academy as Head of Defence Cyber technical training. Four years ago I decided to make a permanent move to the village to provide stability for my daughters, both of whom have enjoyed being part of the school family. My eldest is now at Faringdon Community College whilst my youngest continues her Shrivenham Primary journey in year 3. I also hope to champion technology and learning in a digital age alongside promoting the benefits of sport and physical activity, both of which have been passions of mine whilst serving in the military.
Mrs Di Sheldon
Mrs Sarah Bryning
Mrs Lisa Platten
Mr Will Webb
Mr Aaron Fisher
Clerk to Governors: Alexandra Molton