Service Pupil Premium is extra funding for schools to support children and young people with parents in the armed forces.
Pupils attract the SPP if they meet one of the following criteria:
- one of their parents is serving in the regular armed forces (including pupils with a parent who is on full commitment as part of the full time reserve)
- one of their parents died whilst serving in the armed forces and the pupil receives a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme or the War Pensions Scheme
- they have been registered as a ‘service child’ on the January school census at any point since 2016.
The Armed Forces Education Trust is a charity working for children and young adults whose education has been compromised or put at risk as a result of parents’ past or current service in our Armed Forces. The grants we give make a difference to young lives, helping improve their educational opportunities or supporting special skills or talents.
This year (2020-21), we have been lucky enough to receive a grant from the Armed Forces Education Trust to employ a Pastoral Support Assistant to support the needs of our service families and children. Mrs Bailey will be working in school three days per week and her role will involve:
- Liaising with other professionals when children transfer to or from our school
- Supporting children and their families when they arrive or leave our school
- Acting as a link between home and school including making home visits and supporting attendance
- Supporting families and children when a parent is deployed
- Offering targeted group or 1:1 support (this could include ELSA, Lego Therapy, Drawing and Talking etc) for children with emotional or behavioural difficulties
- Being a mentor and supporter for children who need encouragement academically
- Providing 1:1 support and advice for parents and making links with external agencies such as TAMHS, Young Carers etc
- Leading workshops and support sessions for parents and families
- Support with additional needs in liaison with the SENCO
- Providing staff with CPD opportunities that will support service pupils
- Providing families with the opportunity for someone to listen and support
How can Mrs Bailey be contacted?
- Service Pupils – they can ask to speak to our Pastoral Support Assistant if they have a problem or a worry at school or at home. They can do this by either approaching Mrs Bailey or by asking a member of staff. A suitable time will then be arranged to meet.
- Service Parents – if you have a pastoral concern regarding your child then you can phone the school, speak to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment to see Mrs Bailey via the school office. Please call the School office on 01793 782406 or email: