A Poem for Year 6 - class of 2020
Today is the day that SATs would have started,
The classroom set up and the tables parted,
The rules on the board, the display walls all covered,
Your workbooks away, out of sight in the cupboard,
Instead you are home, you're doing your bit,
Protecting your families from getting sick,
It's important right now, we're in lockdown you see,
Being a part of our world history,
You've all worked so hard, you should be so proud,
You've practised your SPaG and times tables out loud,
You've learnt algebra to the nth degree,
And now the tests, they will no longer be,
Some may be sad that they can't take the tests,
"Hip hip hooray," I've no doubt said the rest,
While the tests are on hold and you stay home this term,
Remember that tests can't measure everything you learn,
And I don't need SATs results to tell me,
How hard you have worked, it's easy to see,
'Lockdown' Year 6, let me shout it out loud,
You've made all your teachers so very proud,
So please continue to learn, fill that brain up full,
And remember, we think you're all wonderful!