Starting off
French is not only spoken in France but also in parts of Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, parts of North and West Africa, of the West Indies, of Canada, South America and the Pacific. Do you know any French speakers? Do you know any French names?
Popular names for children in France currently are Emma, Louise, Lucas, Jules, Alice, Jade, Manon, Lina and Gabriel. We use some of those French names in the English language.
Let's look at some greetings and the Core Language for this Unit.
Bonjour! Hello!
Salut! Hi/Bye!
Ça va How are?
Ça va bien/mal. I'm fine/not very well.
Et toi? And you?
Au revoir! Goodbye!
Monsieur/Madame Mr/Mrs, Sir/Miss (to teacher)
oui, non yes, no
Je m'appele..... My name is......
Comment tu t'appelles? What's your name?
voici.... here is
1-10: un, deux, 1-10, one, two,
trois, quatre, three, four
cinq, six, sept, five, six, seven,
huit, neuf, dix eight, nine, ten
J'ai... I have......
Quel âge as-tu? How old are you?
J'ai sept/huit ans. I'm seven/eight years old.
mon Père my father
mon mère my mother
mon frère my brother
ma soeur my sister