It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Shrivenham Primary School and to our Pre- School where we are proud to embrace our vision ‘All things are possible for one who believes’.
Our school is a happy, friendly, safe and encouraging place where everyone feels welcomed and valued. It is a place where everyone is kind and caring. We take pride in our learning and celebrate our successes.
We are delighted you have chosen Shrivenham for your child to start their school journey. Starting school is an exciting time and through excellent parent and school partnerships we will work together to make it a positive experience.
We have extremely dedicated and supportive staff who provide best opportunities for all our pupils, helping them realise their potential and recognising their talents. We pride ourselves on our strong relationships with everyone connected to the school and strive to make a positive contribution to the local community.
This handbook is designed to answer many of your questions and give you key information. However, if you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact the school.